To give a corporation like Delaware North Company or any corporation as much power as we give them is an absolute shame. You end up with arrogance that is almost impossible to control.

SST-LTRNow they're filing a claim to own the name of the Ahwahnee Hotel and others. Sounds like extortion to me since their contract is up soon. If they don't get renewed they'll take the names with them, just like that...

I personally see big opportunity with D.N.C. gone. Yosemite should almost be forced to use surrounding areas first, I think that's only right. I see an opportunity for more people to relocate this direction and start small businesses that can cater specifically to the park. That would create more jobs in all areas. If Yosemite had the right incentives real people from here and all over would see an opportunity, move here and fill that need. And I'm not talking about corporate either, you can see where that takes us now with DNC.

Right now our mountain communities don't have incentives but we do have a small widow of opportunity to make things happen. That or wait another 15 years for another contract to expire. So petition the chambers of all mountain towns, BOS's from each, the senator and anybody else you can think of. Our residents could thrive if offered the right incentives and our communities could grow stronger, more relevant and become more economically stable.  

Bill Eaton,