By way of this letter I'm asking the Board of Supervisors to open their eyes and recognize that the heads of our Mariposa County law enforcement are grossly underpaid.

SST-LTRI ask that the county taxpayers also voice their concerns. This data can be found in our county budget as well as their accounting books. It is not fair as we taxpayers have had to pay a round sum of $100,000 for severance pay to three department heads these past few months. Who knows how much more is yet to be paid? This is the taxpayer's money that got paid to those individuals for doing absolutely nothing. Yet the Board of Supervisors expect our underpaid law enforcement to risk their lives in keeping them safe.

Also I doubt if many Mariposa citizens know the tremendous work load that the Supervisors and the State of California have placed on our law enforcement's shoulders this past year. Examples: Prisoners released from state prison back to the county, the county's marijuana authorization, Fire Department, etc. Yet no reasonable pay compensation was awarded for all these added responsibilities. Safety for all Mariposa County citizens should always be the Board of Supervisors priority over any budget complications they face. Lastly, lack of attention on this issue will only lead to consequences for us all. We must take care of those that protect and care for us.

Marvin Wells,