SST LTRThe blame for the unfortunate results of having a homeless population locally, including economic harm and lowered general health, lies squarely with our country's nation-wide policies. There are too many homeless nation-wide. Ever been to the downtowns of Santa Barbara or Santa Cruz? The homeless outnumber the tourists on certain days of the week.  Communities can only do so much and it's clear that the Fed Gov't knows this, but how can the Federal government invest money in combating homeless efficiently without plans by local communities?  And then, how can independent and currently uncoordinated communities efficiently solve a nation-wide problem? We can't, we won't, ever.

The solution must come from a larger entity than local communities since the homeless can move from city to city and state to state. The answer is to get our U.S. Congressmen and State Govt. in concert with each other to provide funding, with restrictions and regulations, for every county to share data and provide effective means to bring the homeless population down to ZERO - Yes, Z-E-R-O.  In my view, every county with over 10,000 people should be provided Federal funds to shelter a determined percentage of homeless.  Smaller counties homeless would shift to larger counties.

New "bureaucracy" you say?  Please hold your words.  The bureaucracy and cost dealing with the flow of homeless issues, new and / or established, are already a drain on every community.  Aspects of responsibility and bureaucracy would move from the enforcement policies that communities argue about today to the responsibility of providing living spaces, education and whatever rehabilitation is needed to get people on their feet.   If we as a society can lower and even eliminate homelessness than that bureaucracy shrinks and we are all better for it.

Victor Krag
Mariposa, CA