SST LTRMarch 20, 2022 - I strongly endorse Rosemarie Smallcombe for reelection as our District 1 County Supervisor.  I feel we are extremely fortunate to have someone of her caliber, education, background and focused commitment to the county in this position.  I have worked with her on many occasions since 2014, and feel she always strives for the right combination of knowledge, concern and attention to the wide variety of issues affecting us all.  Notable achievements over her last 7 years as a supervisor include her work on forest health, fire prevention, and affordable homeowners’ insurance, as well as responding to the myriad of community issues (closures, broadband access, Merced River issues, cooperation with National Park Service, etc.) in an earnest and fair way.  This is a busy place. 

Having lived in District 1 for almost 60 years, I have seen supervisors come and go--She is a good one!  I urge you to vote for Rosemarie Smallcombe.    

Laurel Munson Boyers
Foresta/Yosemite National Park