Trying to make sense of it all...

I have a few questions for the BOS regarding The CAO and his resignation.

1. Why allow him to resign with an over 4 months time line? Resignation submitted Aug 13, effective Dec 12.

2. Why put him on paid administrative leave a month after he submits his resignation?

3. Why is he on administrative leave?

4. Why not immediate paid administrative leave? If paid administrative leave is necessary why is it he is allowed to work through a very critical thing as the budget?

5. In my experience administrative leave usually connotes some sort of problem. If so, why allow him to work for an additional month?

Am I the only one with these questions?

By the way, despite Mr. Canns advise that I only communicate with him, I feel that all the Supervisors represent me as a taxpayer of this county and that I am entitled to hear from each of you. If you dispute this please let me know why.

Ruth Catalan
Mariposa, CA