H.R. 601 Passed the House 316-90 and 27 Not Voting
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September 8, 2017 - On Friday, Congressman Tom McClintock voted no on H.R. 601 – Three-month Debt Limit Suspension, $230 billion of general spending and $8 billion for Emergency Hurricane Relief.
tom mcclintock congressmanI supported the clean disaster relief bill for Hurricane Harvey.  But I cannot and will not support the cynical use of disasters as an excuse to pack relief bills with extraneous and questionable policies that ought to be considered on their own.  This bill left the House with my support to provide $7.9 billion of emergency funding for Hurricane Harvey.  Period.  It returns from the Senate with a three-month suspension of the debt limit, an additional $230 billion of general government spending unrelated to hurricane relief and $7.4 billion of added spending for Community Development Block Grants (that have notoriously little accountability). 
Source: Congressman Tom McClintock