
On Monday, October 20, 2014 the Commissioners of the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS) Joint Powers Authority presented Julia Parker with a hand carved rock plaque celebrating her bus ride into Yosemite National Park during the summer as the One Millionth Rider using YARTS.

Commissioner John Carrier introduced Julia Parker to his fellow commissioners and the public and provided background information on Julia's many years in the park as the longest tenured National Park employee.

YARTS Transit Manager Dick Whittington recited a time that he was in the park and Julia Parker taught a busload of fourth, fifth and sixth graders on a field trip using YARTS a song that was well remembered by the students.

Julia Parker thanked the Commissioners for the award and for YARTS providing transportation to the park. She then sang a song for the Commissioners and the public.

Press the green button for play the AUDIO file.

{play} http://www.goldrushcam.com/sierrasuntimes/images/2014/october/julia.mp3{/play}

For more information: YARTS Celebrates One Millionth Rider to Yosemite National Park


Julia Parker Receives One Millionth Rider Plaque From Commissioner John Carrier