June 20, 2018 - U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock), a leader on bringing immigration issues to the forefront in Congress, has introduced with a group of Republicans in coordination with House leadership a compromise immigration bill to jeff denham officialaddress family separation, a permanent solution for Dreamers, and border security.

“I have been working for years to get a permanent solution in place for our nation’s Dreamers and secure our borders. This bill accomplishes both and crucially addresses the separation of children from their parents on our border,” said Rep. Denham. “I am encouraged that we have been able to come together on a solution and encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me in getting this bill passed.”

Rep. Denham has been instrumental in negotiating the bill with Speaker Ryan and his colleagues over the past several weeks and authored language in the final bill to provide a 100 percent fix for family separations to stop the separation of families under the Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy.

The Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018 provides a permanent solution for all 1.8 million Dreamers on Day One by providing a pathway to citizenship, guarantees funding for border security, fixes family separation policies, prioritizes the nuclear family, closes loopholes to prevent future flows of undocumented immigrants, and transitions to a merit focused immigration system.

For more information about all of Rep. Denham’s work on immigration reform, visit www.Denham.house.gov/immigration.
Source: Congressman Jeff Denham