Pi is a name given to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It always equals 3.14 (plus a lot of other numbers after the decimal point). To celebrate this mathematical function and math in general, Mrs. Wilde’s and Ms. Miranda's 6th - 8th grade students at Sierra Foothill Charter School ran a Pi Day math carnival on Friday, March 13, 2015.

For every math-related game students played, they earned a ticket. Once students had 7 tickets, they could redeem them for a piece of pie. (One of the few days students are served sweets on campus in accordance with the school's Health and Wellness Policy.) Pioneer Market donated 10 pies and provided the rest at cost, helping to make this fun afternoon for students more affordable.
SFCS-Pi-day-1Students who spoke to Trinity Owens about Pi were asked to recite what Pi equals with as many numbers as possible after the decimal point in order to earn a ticket towards a piece of pie.
SFCS-Pi-day-2With the help of eighth grader Alyssa Suderman, first grader Dylan DuBois first estimates the volume of a cup of water and then measures it to see how close his estimate was to the actual volume.
SFCS-Pi-day-3This student matches shapes to their names.
SFCS-Pi-day-4Mikey Owens, Allex Smith, Johann Hill-Zuck work with Cole Harrison to estimate the weight of bottles filled with different objects and then measure the bottles to see how close the estimates are to the actual weight.
SFCS-Pi-day-5Sweet rewards: After earning tickets, students Chloe Jean Blagg, Samuel Harveston, and Darragh Duffy enjoy pieces of pie.

Sierra Foothill Charter School is a free, non-profit, K-8 public school. For more information, contact the office at (209) 742-6222 or visit SFCS’s website: sierrafoothillcharterschool.org. To stay up to date on all the latest happenings, “like” SFCS on Facebook.