
March 26, 2015 - SACRAMENTO – Assembly Republican Leader Kristin Olsen, of Modesto, issued the following statement in response to the Assembly’s passage of emergency drought legislation:

“Republicans were pleased to join with our colleagues to provide emergency aid for communities that have been hit the hardest by the drought.  We have seen food lines in some Central Valley towns triple because people have no jobs and no water.  California’s agriculture economy has lost at least $2 billion in economic output to date.  The funding we passed today will provide some relief to those who are suffering, but it is just a temporary fix.

“I was disappointed to see the majority party in a second bill vote to expand the government's power in a way that permanently prioritizes fish over people.  Instead of growing government, the Legislature should be acting swiftly to expedite projects that increase water supply.  Republicans will continue to fight to eliminate roadblocks that are holding up these critical water storage, desalination, and recycling projects.”