A rally supporting the recovery of Peni Choi and a gathering of love for Khay-la Choi and Christina Jarrett will be held this Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 12 noon to midnight, at the Fresno Community Regional Hospital located at 2823 Fresno Street in Fresno (in the front outdoor courtyard). This is a rally of healing, love and support for the Choi family, Christina Jarret’s family and each of us needing to find our way thru the unimaginable loss of two young girls and prayers for the best recovery possible for Peni Choi.

With the support of one another and an understanding of how fortunate we were to know these beautiful girls we can celebrate gratitude and hopefully overcome some of the sadness and worry. Peni needs to feel our positive energy and prayers! Love can help heal. All of us. No plans for the day just a gathering in the sunshine. ALL ARE WELCOME, please come!
