yosemite sierra sun times

August 10, 2015 - The park is working with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding a case of human plague in California involving an individual who camped at the Crane Flat Campground and visited the Stanislaus National Forest. 

As an extremely precautionary public health measure, flea treatment will be applied to rodent burrows in the Crane Flat Campground in Yosemite National Park early next week. 

The campground will be closed from Noon Monday, August 10 through Noon Friday, August 14 to allow crews to work in the area. 

This flea treatment is a commonly used to protect wildlife, pets, and human health from this non-native disease. Yosemite National Park remains open and all other campgrounds and facilities in the park remain open as well.

For more information on campgrounds in Yosemite: Yosemite Campgrounds
Source: NPS