April 9, 2024 - SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) was joined by community leaders, consumer advocates, fans and musicians on Monday Buffy wicks asemblymemberat a Capitol press conference to detail first-in-the-nation legislation to provide competition in buying tickets for concerts and sporting events. 

Assemblymember Wicks’ legislation, Assembly Bill 2808, is designed to reduce the prices and increase availability of tickets. It takes aim at Ticketmaster, which controls 80 percent of the primary ticket sales in the United States, and hopes to disrupt a frustrating system that makes it difficult to obtain tickets. 

Consumer advocates say the lack of competition also hurts consumer choice; since the merger of industry giants Ticketmaster and Live Nation in 2010, ticket prices have soared an astronomical 140% adjusted for inflation.

Joining Assemblymember Wicks were Consumer Federation of California Executive Director Robert Herrell; California Black Chamber of Commerce President and musician Jay King: California LULAC Immediate Past State Director Jose Barrera; and National Action Network - Sacramento President Dr. Tecoy Porter.

“Companies will have to compete for your business, which will lead to lower fees and better service,” said Wicks. “Opening retail to competition will also mean more transparency, making it more difficult for fraudulent tickets to be sold.”

“AB 2808 helps fix this broken system by creating competition,” noted King, a musician. “Whether you’re an artist, a venue or a fan, you should have a choice. AB 2808 provides that choice.”

"The Consumer Federation of California supports AB 2808 because it strikes at the heart of the monopoly dominating our current ticketing and live entertainment marketplace - a monopoly that limits consumer choice, increases consumer prices and controls consumer decisions about your tickets," Herrell stated. "AB 2808 injects desperately needed choice into the marketplace and the Legislature should pass it and put California back at the top of consumer protection."

“Today we have a live event marketplace that caters to the wealthy and privileged,” said Dr. Porter. “One company has gamed the system to charge consumers record prices. That is not fair. It is not equitable. AB 2808 will help ensure that all people have a chance to purchase tickets. It increases competition to provide consumers with multiple options, and makes companies compete for consumers’ business.”

“Too often, in their quest for power and money, corporations leave disadvantaged communities behind,” concluded LULAC’s Barrera. “Ticketmaster is guilty of this. AB 2808 will make ticket buying more equitable at the onset.  AB 2808 enhances competition, creating more opportunities for all communities to be able to see their favorite band or cheer on their favorite team.”

The press conference can be viewed here: 

Facebook livestream: https://www.facebook.com/events/450921854144556/
YouTube livestream: https://youtube.com/live/1Z2fBWilnaU?feature=share
Source: Assemblymember Buffy Wicks