Note: This article is one of a series celebrating Mariposa Memories and was originally published on July 7, 2010.

osprey-lg If you want to get a close up look at an Osprey the best place locally is the Merced River below the Lake McSwain Dam. 

PG&E has built a number of platforms for the birds to nest on. The reason for this is that Osprey love to build their nests on power poles and no matter what PG&E did to keep them off, they just kept coming back.  So if you can't beat them make them a better place to nest.
One of the nests is just before you come to the bridge over the Merced River on Hornitos Road. There is another one at the intersection of Lake McClure Road and Merced Falls Road. You can also view one by walking out on McSwain Dam.
The Osprey I observed was still feeding her young so you might even get a peek at a baby Osprey as they grow. 
Linda Gast