March 16, 2016 - Since the rains that began on Monday, December 21, 2015 through Monday, March 14, 2016, Lake McClure in Mariposa County has risen over 121 feet as the runoff continues to fill the the reservoir.

lake mcclure historic levels for march 15 2016Notice the sharp rise in elevation in feet and acre feet from the first weekend and second weekend in March winter storms.

Lake McClure's December 2015 low was 586 feet in elevation while on March 16, 2016 the elevation is standing at 707.29 feet.

As of March 16, 2016 the Current Storage for Lake McClure is 282,078 acre feet. The low during December was 63,588 acre feet. This is a rise of 218,490 acre feet bringing Lake McClure Reservoir from 7% of total capacity to 27% of total capacity. Lake McClure reservoir is at 51% of the Historical Average for this date.

Lake McClure's total capacity is 1,024,600 acre feet. The average storage for this date is 548,730 acre feet.

The charts in order are (1) Elevation, (2) Storage in Acre Feet and (3) Historic averages with max and min. levels.

lake mcclure mariposa county lake levels elevation march 16 2016

lake mcclure mariposa county lake levels storage march 16 2016

lake mcclure mariposa county lake levels march16 2016