October 17, 2016 - MERCED – Staff from the State Water Resources Control Board will be at the Merced County Board of Supervisors Chambers on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 to update the Board and members of merced county logothe public on its Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan and the revised draft Substitute Environmental Document.

The Bay-Delta Plan is a water quality plan typically updated every three years by the State Water Resources Control Board. It sets objectives for water in the Delta and how to implement those objectives.

Phase 1 of the Bay-Delta Plan seeks to increase flows along the San Joaquin River and its tributaries, the Merced, Stanislaus and Tuolumne Rivers, every year from Feb. 1 to June 30 in a range from 30 to 50 percent of unimpaired flow, with a starting flow of 40 percent (Merced River is currently at 26 percent).

To address the plan’s impacts, a Substitute Environmental Document is developed for Phase 1 of the plan in lieu of a CEQA Environmental Impact Report.

Recently, a broad coalition of government agencies across the Valley banded together in opposition to the proposal, as it would create a significant negative impacts to the local economy, groundwater supply and groundwater quality.

Tuesday’s update will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Board Chambers of the Merced County Administration Building at 2222 M Street in Merced.
Source: Merced County