congressman tom mcclintock mariposa town hall 2212017

February 22, 2017 - Congressman Tom McClintock held a Town Hall meeting in Mariposa on Tuesday evening, February 21, 2017 at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds.

400 chairs were set up but that proved too few as 600 plus concerned citizens were in attendance. The attendees had many concerns as they asked questions of Rep. McClintock.

At times the audience became loud as emotions rose and one side over the other voiced their opinions. In the end there were no arrests but several vehicles had their tires slashed, with one of the vehicles having a Bernie Sanders sticker.
 This page will have multiple videos as the meeting lasted slightly over two hours.

This video (below) has questions concerning the air and water quality in Madera County and a question concerning the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

This video (below) has questions asking the congressman if he agrees with President Trump on certain news organizations being the enemy of the American people, the Affordable Care Act, Public Education, Sanctuary Cities, Lake McClure Spillway, Dodd-Frank and another question on Sanctuary Cities.

This video (below) has questions asking the congressman about Sanctuary Cities, Public Lands, Climate Change/Global Warming, the Affordable Care Act, How to pay for the new Healthcare Plan and will everyone be covered.

This video (below) has questions asking the congressman about his comments concerning his Town Hall in Roseville (The questioner says he lied). Also questions about Medicare Part D, Free Speech and Civil Disobedience, Fake News and the Congressman's Twitter Feed, Immigration and the Wall, President Trump and Education.