The Mariposa Museum & History Center will host a ‘Docent Fair’ on Saturday, March 21st, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The intent of the Fair is to let our Docents and the community visit for a day to enjoy touring the displays, buildings and “hidden secrets” of the Museum and to give them a better understanding of all that our Museum has to offer.
The Gazette Building, Count’s House, Stamp Mill, Broom Shop, Blacksmith Shop and Gold Panning displays will be open with experts at each station to talk about different aspect of the displays. The Vault and Basement will also be open for those who would love to see the archival history of Mariposa.
Pictures courtesy of Tom Phillips
We welcome those who are interested in volunteering either as a Docent, Tour Guide, or helping with the ongoing work projects, both inside and outside the Museum. Projects from mowing lawns, trimming trees, building and maintain displays, replacing light bulbs, and sweeping walkways, to major construction of stamp mills are a consistent need at the History Center. There may just be something you would enjoy being a part of and most important, experience is NOT required, only a love of history and a desire to be a contributing part of the museum is necessary. Thosedesiring to help will be trained for any area they are interested in.The Smithsonian has named our museum “one of the top 10 small museums west of the Mississippi”. We consider this a great honor and strive to maintain our level of excellence. So come and join us for a day of fun and discovery and who knows, you too may become a vital part of the Mariposa Museum and History Center.