August 28, 2024 – Los Angeles Police Department officials report that the North Hollywood, in Council District 2, is one of the areas of the city most impacted by metals theft, so Council President Krekorian, as Councilmember for the district, authorized and funded this operation by the LAPD Commercial Crimes Division to perform compliance checks at recycling businesses near impacted areas. Arrests have now been made at separate facilities for theft, failure to report, and receiving stolen property.

In the last three operations in North Hollywood, LAPD recovered 1,668 lbs. of stolen copper wire, along with hundreds of pounds of aluminum cable and backup batteries for roadway safety systems. Recovered property had been stolen from Bureau of Street Lighting, Caltrans and Southern California Edison. Further arrests and announcements are anticipated shortly.

View news conference video here.

Source: LAPD
LAPD wire