I am writing in support of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit as proposed for the Mariposa Biomass Project as I consider it to be of excellent benefit to all residents and businesses throughout Mariposa County, not just for the time being but well into the future. 


Here are my reasons:

  1. Location will not impact residential neighborhoods as it will be within an area already designated for industrial use.  Further it is estimated that no more than three to four truckloads per day of dead and diseased trees will be conveyed to this site, rendering it unnecessary for major roadwork to accommodate such loads.  May I point out that truckloads transported from the Ferguson Rock Slide far exceeded this number without disturbance to the neighborhoods, and that many such truckloads of lumber trees for commercial use already make use of the same roadways. 
  1. The Mariposa Biomass Project will mitigate the danger of wildfires of the nature of the recent Detwiler Fire that caused major disruption throughout the County. 
  1. The Mariposa Biomass Project will increase employment for many local workers presently idled in the trades of construction and tree removal, well into the foreseeable future as well as generating clean energy for the benefit of present utility companies and the public.
  1. The Mariposa Biomass Project will bring with it employment of technicians of a quality beneficial to the community, possibly encouraging their families to settle in Mariposa and enrolling their children in our own school district. 
  1. The Mariposa Biomass Project is anticipated to be the first such installation in North America, putting the County of Mariposa in the enviable position of pioneering a true 21st Century enterprise. 

In view of all of the above, I urge favorable consideration.

Lucille Apcar
Mariposa, CA.

P.S. Contrary to statements made elsewhere, this Project is unique in that it employs methods not in use in other locations in the USA.