SST LTRApril 27, 2018 - Very glad to see our Mariposa County volunteers being honored by our County Supervisors.  However, may I point out that two of the best are missing today, having finally bit the dust and closed all activities.

Because of some misguided (in my respectful opinion) actions by our Supervisors.  Instead they chose some years ago, to subsidize the same activities to be provided by a State owned facility, paid for by California taxpayers, effectively resulting in double taxation for the uninformed citizens of our county.

Who were these volunteers and what benefits did they provide? Let me enumerate them:

First and foremost, our High School graduating Seniors, who received as many as five (5) monetary scholarships per year to the college of their choice.  To my knowledge over at least 15 years.

Second a number of annual memorial donations to the U.S. Dept of Forestry for reforestation of specific locations devastated by fire or other disaster.  To my knowledge at least 30 years.

Third, lectures workshops and garden tours on a monthly basis always open to the public and always free of charge.  For at least 50 years that I personally know about.

Fourth, beautification of our public areas and historic monuments by means of plantings.  Here are just a few examples:  Mariposa Cemetary, 1000 bulbs, plus several bags of California Poppies. St. Joseph's

Catholic Church, 800 bulbs.  Mariposa Library and our Government Center, several shrubs, flowering perennials, several hundred bulbs. Mariposa Court House, Three trees, and some 500 bulbs.  Mariposa Museum and History Center all bulbs presently blooming many trees and several native shrubs as well as rose bushes.  Manna House truckload of supplies for their vegetable gardens.

Fifth annual participation in floral competitions, group demonstrations, free lectures.

The public in general may not agree with me, but I consider the loss of these two volunteer organizations of severe detriment to our community.

They are:  Butterfly Garden Club of Mariposa (35 members and volunteers) Cathey's Valley Garden Club. (approx. 80 members and volunteers)

Respectfully submitted:
Lucille Apcar
Mariposa, CA.