SST LTRSeptember 24, 2018 - I have known and worked with Judy Eppler for over 40 years.  Currently, I serve with her as a board member for the Mariposa County Schools Foundation (Kids First).  When I first met her, she was a teacher and counselor at Mariposa County High School.  She then went on to become principal at Mariposa Middle School and now serves on the school board. I know she visits each school in the county on a regular basis.  

As a school board member, Judy always puts the needs of Mariposa County students first.  She is a thoughtful listener and carefully considers all points of view.  I have personally observed Judy accepting difficult challenges and working to find positive outcomes.   Sometimes, this involves hard decisions but Judy’s many years of experience have enabled her to find the most equitable solution.  Her devotion to this county’s students and community is unquestioned.

Please join me in voting for Judy Eppler for Mariposa County School Board.

Margene van Wagtendonk
El Portal, CA.