SST LTRA recent suggestion by UCCE as to the transplantation of native species of plants is totally incorrect.  The only time a native deciduous plant such as Redbud, Spirea, etc. may be successfully transplanted is during the depths of winter months, when full leaf drop has occurred (December, January). The plant must be dormant, and it is most important that the tap root be dug out of the ground intact. 

I have transplanted many of these over the years, and watched them thrive.  The sprout is removed with utmost gentleness,  planted in its own soil in a container deep enough to give the tap root sufficient room to put down further length, kept in a shaded area for at least another year, then transplanted into the soil again when fully dormant. 

The same method must be applied to evergreens such as Incense Cedar.  Do not use artificial potting soils, they must be allowed to thrive within the environment of their original growth.  Once established the plant should be allowed to take root on its own without further pampering.   

I also apply this method to non-native trees such as Chinese Pistache, Gingko, Tupelo, Maple, Mulberry and many other species.  Surprisingly using this method, all my transplantations have survived severe drought such as we are experiencing today. 

Lucille Apcar
Mariposa, CA