July 17, 2018 - Dane Carlson, CEO of Mariposa County Chamber of Commerce resigns.

mariposaThe following is from the Chair, Mariposa County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Dear Members, 

On behalf of the Board of Directors for your Mariposa Chamber of Commerce, we'd like to inform you that Dane Carlson has officially resigned from his post as CEO.

In his statement to the Board, Dane explained that he’s leaving Mariposa to take a position as the Director of Economic Development for Galveston County, Texas.

As you know, we celebrated our 50th Anniversary this year. The new Board of Directors is excited for the opportunity to launch our next 50 years with new programs, services, events, and a clean slate to move the Mariposa Chamber of Commerce forward and to build strong relationships with the entire Mariposa County community.

The Board has established a leadership transition plan, which we have begun to implement. This plan ensures a future for the Chamber which includes transparency, accountability, and integrity.

As the current Chair, I'm proud to share that the Board has taken a series of powerful actions over the preceding seven months to address concerns that have been presented to us from our Members and Community Leaders. I am proud of what the new Chamber of Commerce Board has accomplished, much of which you will see in the coming months. I am also certain that the Board of Supervisors, Mariposa County Business Community, and all of you - our incredible members - will be excited and supported by the new direction of the Chamber.

As always, we are here for you - to represent, promote, and assist you in doing business in Mariposa County.
Kass Bissmeyer 
Chair, Mariposa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors