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August 3, 2018 - Friday Infrared Map of the Ferguson Fire in Mariposa County near Yosemite National Park.

41% Containment

Acreage - 
Estimated Acreage: 73,560

Weather Conditions -
The vicinity of the fire was cloud free.

Details -
Due to terrain issues, portions of the perimeter in the southeastern section of the fire could not be accurately mapped. These areas have designated as a No Data area and have been depicted as estimated.

Areas of perimeter growth with intense and scattered fire were detected at the northern end of the fire.

Additional areas of perimeter growth with intense and scattered fire were detected along the eastern side of the fire and the burnout activity in that area.

Large areas of intense fire were detected along the northern and eastern portions of the perimeter.

Large areas of scattered fire were detected along the northern and eastern portions of the perimeter.

Isolated fires were generally within fairly close proximity to the main perimeters.