September 28, 2018 - Sacramento, Calif. — The California Community Colleges Board of Governors approved $8.5 million in grant funding this month to expand and bolster Veterans Resource Centers throughout California’s community california community colleges logocolleges.

Currently, more than 90 of the 114 California community college campuses have a Veterans Resource Center dedicated to providing veterans and active duty service members with tools they may need for academic success, and support as they transition from a military environment to an academic setting.

“Making a deeper investment in our system’s Veterans Resource Centers runs hand-in-hand with our Vision for Success,” Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley said. “The boost in these resources will certainly contribute to the overall success of our student veterans.”

California is home to an estimated 1.8 million veterans, and annually the California Community Colleges enrolls approximately 80,000 veterans and active duty service members.

The grant funding was awarded directly to eligible colleges through a competitive process.

For more information on the California Community Colleges Veterans Services program, visit:
Source: CCC