yosemite tunnel view sierra sun times
Yosemite National Park
Sierra Sun Times file photo

November 15, 2018 –  Yosemite National Park total recreation visitors for October 2018 was down 16.0% over October 2017.

NPS reports traffic counts are down for the month of October due to replacement. Tioga Pass station 4809 was back online on October 12, 2018

The Arch Rock Entrance Station (Mariposa -Highway 140) October 2018 visitors by auto was down 26.0% compared to October  2017.

The Big Oak Flat Entrance Station (Groveland - Highway 120) October 2018 visitors by auto was down 30.5% compared to October 2017. 

The South Entrance (Oakhurst - Highway 41) October 2018 visitors by auto was down 10.4% compared to October 2017.

The Tioga Pass Entrance October 2018 visitors by auto was up 19.8% compared to October 2017. 

yosemite october 2018 visitation graphic
Source: NPS