December 3, 2018 - Washington, D.C. – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi released the following statement last week after the Trump Administration announced new guidance massively nancy pelosiexpanding 1332 waivers to allow states to undermine or ignore the law of the Affordable Care Act: 

“The American people just delivered an overwhelming verdict against Republicans’ cruel assault on families’ health care.  But instead of heeding the will of the people or the requirements of the law, the Trump Administration is still cynically working to make health insurance more expensive and to leave more Americans without dependable coverage at all.  
“The Trump Administration is trying to push more Americans into junk insurance plans that do not cover essential health care, leaving families exposed to crushing out-of-pocket costs after an injury or illness.  Meanwhile, Republicans continue to push their monstrous lawsuit to strike down the vital protections for people with pre-existing conditions.  
“The American people have spoken loud and clear: Republicans’ health care sabotage must stop immediately.  The new Democratic Majority will hold the Administration accountable for its assault on Americans’ health care, and take strong action to lower health care costs and prescription drug prices for all Americans.”
Source: Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi