February 2, 2015 - This video was uploaded to You Tube during December 2011 by the USDA Forest Service. In the video Calaveras County, CA. Supervisor Steve Wilensky discusses the connection between ecosystem restoration, sustainable economies and healthy communities.

Featured in the video is Buena Vista Biomass Power. The following is from the Buena Vista Biomass Power website: The plant uses a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler that combusts biomass in a controlled manner, heats water to steam which then enters a turbine-generator to make electricity. One advantage of CFB boilers is that it is possible to combust very low moisture content fuel compared to a traveling grate design. Also, the design provides complete combustion which emits low air emissions. The fuel for this plant is derived from a variety of sources including clean urban wood diverted away from landfills, agricultural byproducts from orchard operations and forest sourced material generated as a byproduct of forest thinning projects that reduce fires.