February 29, 2020 - Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration failed to provide a report on cyberattacks by foreign governments against election infrastructure to House and Senate nancy pelosiCommittees and leadership, as required by the bipartisan FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act:

“The Trump Administration has failed to provide Congress with a report on the ongoing attacks on America’s elections from foreign governments, which was required by the bipartisan FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act.
“America’s intelligence and law enforcement officials have made absolutely clear that the Russian government is attacking our elections right now in a ‘365-days-a-year threat.’  Yet, again and again, the President has rejected the conclusions of the intelligence community and completely refused to take meaningful action to hold the Russians accountable or to strengthen our defenses of our electoral system.  His failure to meet Congress’s deadline to provide a report on foreign cyberattacks showcases his brazen indifference to the Russian threat.

“President Trump and Leader McConnell need to explain to the American people why they are refusing to protect the integrity of our elections.  As I continue to say, with this President, all roads lead to Putin.  When Congress is briefed on March 10, we expect to see a comprehensive, coordinated plan to keep our American electoral system safe.

“American voters should decide American elections, not Vladimir Putin.”
Source: Rep. Nancy Pelosi