June 15, 2020 - Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge by nancy pelosithe Trump Administration to California’s sanctuary city law, leaving intact an appellate decision holding that the federal government cannot force state and local law enforcement officials to target immigrants:
“Today’s decision is a victory for public safety.  The Court has rejected the Trump Administration’s cruel attempt to coerce state and local law enforcement officials into becoming a deportation dragnet, which is motivated by bigotry and cruelty, not the security of our communities.  No one is made safer when immigrant families fear going to the police when they are witnesses or victims of crimes.
“House Democrats will continue to stand strong against this Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda, which threatens to tear apart families and undermine our security.  We will continue to fight for smart, humane strategies that work to protect and serve, not deport and intimidate.”
Source: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi