June 22, 2020 - San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the President said that he had ordered officials to slow nancy pelosicoronavirus testing to keep case numbers low:

“Testing, tracing, treatment and social distancing are the only tools we have to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but President Trump orders his Administration to slow down the testing that saves lives.

“The President’s efforts to slow down desperately needed testing to hide the true extent of the virus mean more Americans will lose their lives. 

“This Tuesday, members of the Trump Administration’s coronavirus task force will testify before the Energy & Commerce committee.  The American people are owed answers about why President Trump wants less testing when experts say much more is needed.

“The President is ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to lead.  Senator McConnell must stop obstructing The Heroes Act and the life-saving testing resources it provides.”
Source: Speaker Nancy Pelosi