mariposa county covid19 update

November 8, 2020 – Mariposa County COVID-19 Case Update 11/8/20.

NO NEW COVID-19 positive cases reported today.

Case 88 - 4 year old male. After further investigation, this is not a COVID-19 case. This individual will be removed from our case list.

Case 89, as reported yesterday, will now be listed as Case 88.

Mariposa County currently has 88 total cases. Eight (8) of those are currently active with three (3) hospitalized.

For any parents and guardians with concerns, please contact out team at 209-259-1332.

To view more COVID-19 statistics for Mariposa County please visit the dashboard or visit to visit the mobile dashboard.

Avoid large gatherings, wear a face covering, and practice good hand hygiene and maintain social distance.

We can all do this by avoiding large gatherings, wearing a cloth face covering, and practicing good hand hygiene.

Avoid those who are sick, continue to socially distance, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

In addition, recognize symptoms early, stay home if you are sick, and cover your coughs and sneezes.

Sourcec: Mariposa County Public Health
