lake mcclure mariposa county credit sierra sun times
Lake McClure in Mariposa County
Sierra Sun Times file photo

March 4, 2022 - In the midst of ongoing dry winter conditions, the Merced Irrigation District Board of Directors set an allocation on Thursday of 1.1 acre feet per acre for Lake McClure surface water for in-District Class 1 growers.

The surface-water rate was set at a price of $100 per acre foot. Water orders can be made beginning today and the District will immediately begin diverting water from Lake McClure into its local canals in the coming days.

The District will also provide its supplemental conjunctive groundwater supply program this year. Each year, MID diverts more than 120,000 acre feet of Lake McClure water into the local groundwater for future use. MID expects to deliver approximately 25,000 acre feet of its supply.

Those wishing to voluntarily subscribe to the supplemental supply program will be charged at a rate of $161 per acre foot. Decisions related to wheeling and other water management activities will be discussed at a future Board meeting.

District growers will receive their information packets in the coming week.

Options for ordering water include:
 Orders may be placed anytime using MID’s automated water ordering system at (866) 825-2475.
 During weekday business hours, orders may be placed by calling MID Customer Service at (209) 722-2720 or toll-free at (800) 750-2720.
 To place an order online, growers must first register at and then place their first water order by calling Customer Service. After that, orders can be made through the website.
Source: MID