lake mcclure mariposa county credit sierra sun times
Lake McClure in Mariposa County
Sierra Sun Times file photo

April 27, 2022 - Merced Irrigation District growers will receive an increase in their surface water allocation as a result of the most recent late-season storm.

On Tuesday, the MID Board of Directors voted to raise the allocation of Lake McClure surface water for MID Class 1 growers to 1.67 acre feet per acre. The decision was made after the latest storm brought fresh rain and snow to the Sierra.

Previously in March, the MID Board had adopted an allocation of 1.1 acre feet per acre, based on the dry winter weather and available water supply in Lake McClure.

 Orders may be placed anytime using MID’s automated water ordering system at (866) 825- 2475.

 During weekday business hours, orders may be placed by calling MID Customer Service at (209) 722-2720 or toll-free at (800) 750-2720.

 To place an order online, growers must first register at and then place their first water order by calling Customer Service. After that, orders can be made through the website.
Source: MID