The increasing fire danger posed by dead grass and hotter, drier conditions in the region is prompting CAL FIRE to suspend all burn permits for outdoor residential burning within the State Responsibility Area of Madera, Mariposa and Merced Counties. This suspension takes effect May 23 and bans all residential outdoor burning of landscape debris such as branches and leaves.
“California wildfires continue to threaten our communities,” said Chief Joe Tyler, CAL FIRE Director. “With the conditions set for an early start of the 2022 fire season, it is imperative that we collectively take preventative steps now to prepare, and we ask all Californians to do their part in wildfire preparedness.”
“Approximately 95% of all wildfires in California are caused by human activity, and we are entering the summer months under severe drought” said Chief van Loben Sels, Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit Chief. “The dry conditions throughout the state have created a situation where a fire could easily spark, so we ask everyone to be cautious outdoors and to maintain fire safety awareness.”
Here are some tips to help prepare homes and property:
• Clear all dead and or dying vegetation 100 feet from around all structures.
• Landscape with fire resistant plants and non-flammable ground cover.
• Find alternative ways to dispose of landscape debris like chipping or hauling it to a biomass energy or green waste facility
The department may issue restricted temporary burning permits if there is an essential reason due to public health and safety. Agriculture, land management, fire training, and other industrial type burning may proceed if a CAL FIRE official inspects the burn site and issues a permit.
The suspension of burn permits for residential landscape debris does not apply to campfires within organized campgrounds or on private property. Campfires may be permitted if the campfire is maintained in such a manner as to prevent its spread to the wildland. A valid campfire permit is required and can be obtained online at www.ReadyForWildfire.org.
For additional information on how to create Defensible Space, Home Hardening, Evacuation Planning and how to be prepared for wildfires, as well as tips to prevent wildfires, visit www.ReadyForWildfire.org.
Source: CAL FIRE