December 6, 2022 - Washington, D.C. – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) have introduced bills that would prohibit the Secretary of Health and Human Services mike lee senator utah official photo(HHS) from placing any vaccine for COVID-19 on the child and adolescent immunization schedule unless the Secretary provides clinical data relating to the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Sens. Rubio and Hagerty joined as cosponsors to Sen. Lee’s version in the Senate.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

Of the bill,Sen. Lee said, “Parents, not Washington bureaucrats, are in the best position to determine what’s in their child’s best interest. Government should empower parents with as much information as possible to make informed medical decisions for their children. Instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending the addition of the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot to the child and adolescent immunization schedule without releasing the full extent of its associated clinical, safety, and efficacy data. Parents deserve access to this vital information. I’m grateful for the opportunity to team up with Representative Biggs to ensure we equip parents with all the information available to make the best decisions concerning their children’s health and well-being.”

Of the bill,Rep. Biggs said, “Recommending an ineffective vaccine on a demographic largely unaffected by a disease is medical malpractice. Data reveals that COVID-19 vaccines do not effectively prevent contraction or transmission of COVID. Further, imposing these experimental vaccines on children—a demographic virtually unaffected by COVID—is anti-science and mortally twisted. Parents—not unelected, Big Pharma loyalists—should have the final say in medical decisions for their children. I’m grateful to join forces with Senator Lee to ensure our government does not implement these tyrannical mandates.”

For full text of the bill, clickHERE. 
For a one-pager of the bill, clickHERE.
Source: Senator Mike Lee