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June 17, 2023 - Yosemite National Park officials suggest how to improve your visit this holiday weekend.

To help traffic flow like Yosemite Falls, especially on busy weekends, we strongly recommend that you arrive before mid-morning and pre-purchase your entrance pass to Yosemite online.

You are, of course, welcome to purchase your pass at an entrance station upon arrival, however, pre-purchasing it helps our friendly keepers of the gates get you on your way to your next adventure faster.

Visit https://www.recreation.gov/sitepass/74296 to select the pass type that suits you best, then print or download the digital pass. In the park, connectivity is limited, and you must be able to display your pass at any point.

Visiting Yosemite in a rental car and don’t know your license plate number? Fear not, you can select ‘rental car’ under car type on the online form.

While waiting in line, get your pass and ID out to show a ranger. Turn up the brightness of your screen to help them see the digital pass.

If you heed our advice and get stuck in the line, we recommend having an audiobook or playlist downloaded offline or using the time to narrow down your bucket list of hikes and sights once in the park.

Source & photo: YNP
YNP traffic