March 24, 2024 - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office officials report that at 1:13 p.m., the Sheriff's Office received a 911 call from an 18-year-old male who EDSO mt lionreported that he and his 21-year-old brother had been attacked by a mountain lion in a remote area of Darling Ridge Rd. and Skid Rd., Georgetown, CA. The reporting party suffered traumatic injuries to his face and was separated from his brother during the attack. At 1:34 p.m. EDSO Deputies and Paramedics arrived in the area, located the reporting party, and began to administer aid to him.

Additional Deputies began the search for the unaccounted brother. At around 1:46 p.m. Deputies observed a crouched mountain lion next to a subject on the ground. The mountain lion was between the Deputies and the subject on the ground. Deputies discharged their firearms scaring the mountain lion off so they could render aid. Unfortunately, the male subject was deceased.

Wardens and Trappers from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife along with the El Dorado County Trapper responded to the area, located the mountain lion, and dispatched it.

More information will be released as it becomes available.

Source: El Dorado County Sheriff's Office