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Inyo SAR Operation: Mt. Whitney 

June 14, 2024 – Inyo County Sheriff's Office officials report that on the morning of Sunday, June 9th, Inyo SAR received a call for help from a hiker who had become “cliffed out” - stuck on a cliff with no safe way to climb up or down from their location - on the lower part of the trail known as “the Mountaineer’s Route”, on Mt. Whitney. The subject stated they had food and water and were not injured but didn’t think they could safely climb up or down. Ten SAR members responded and were able to locate the subject, who was indeed in a spot that required technical climbing to access. The subject had apparently missed a key turn on the Ebersbacher Ledges section of the trail, and instead of following the usual route, continued out an ever-narrowing ledge system. Since the route description mentioned some scrambling the subject believed that the down climb they were doing was part of the route. But they got to a section that they slid then jumped down from, and realized they would not be able to go back up, and with even steeper terrain below, they became stuck.

SAR was able to send a climber up, who used a rope to lead through tricky technical terrain, and who was able to access the subject. A second SAR person was brought up and together the two SAR responders used a rope system to lower the subject the 100’ and some feet back to safety.

The incident could have been avoided with more attentive route finding. In the Whitney area if you are on the Main Trail, or the Mountaineer’s Route, if the ground doesn’t look like thousands of people have tread the trail before you, you are not going the right way.

We’re glad the subject decided to call for help, rather than attempt to climb up or down. The terrain was truly technical, there was no safe way off without a rope system. We also appreciate that the subject had the necessities of food and water, though they did suffer a significant sunburn.

ICSO stranded 2ICSO stranded 1
ICSO stranded 3
Source & photos: Inyo County Sheriff's Office