July 9, 2024 - WASHINGTON, DC - On Monday, Congressman John Garamendi (CA-08) released the following statement:

“My wife Patti, a leader in the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention Program, ensures I stay vigilant about preventative screenings John Garamendi official photoand care. Freezing abnormal bumps is standard, but a call from my doctor changed everything: "When will you be back in California? You need to come in for a series of tests." Thus began my journey with early stage Multiple Myeloma, a form of treatable blood cancer. 

“Today, I started my path to remission with chemo-immunotherapy as an outpatient at Kaiser Oncology in Sacramento. With early detection, excellent doctors, and the love and support of Patti, our entire family, my extraordinary staff, and congressional colleagues, I know I'll get through this while continuing to serve my constituents and advance American democracy. I'm grateful our President initiated the Cancer Moonshot and that California's efforts in stem cell research and taxing cigarettes in the 1980s for cancer research have advanced therapies benefiting not only me, but every family dealing with cancer.

“Throughout my treatments, which my doctor expects will last a few months, I will continue working on my long list of projects and goals for my constituents in Contra Costa and Solano counties. However, alongside destroying cancer cells, chemotherapy weakens natural antibodies and the immune system. My doctors have cautioned me to minimize exposure to COVID-19, flu, and other viruses, so I will limit travel to Washington and public events during the treatment process.

“My thoughts and support are with families managing cancer or any health condition, and with the doctors, nurses, and medical personnel who offer comfort and hope. I am confident that the treatments will be effective, allowing me to continue serving impacted families and my constituents in Congress for years to come.”
Source: Congressman John Garamendi