July 11, 2024 – CAL FIRE officials offer tips to help reduce the risk of starting a wildfire.

This summer let's all do our part to prevent wildfires. Remember, One Less Spark means One Less Wildfire. Here are some tips to help reduce the risk:

Equipment Usage: Ensure your equipment is in good condition and used safely. Spark arresters are essential on chainsaws, trimmers, and other equipment. Mow before 10:00 A.M. when fuels are still moist.

Campfires: Always keep campfires small and contained, and never leave them unattended. Make sure to fully extinguish them before leaving. Use water and stir until it's cool to the touch.

Vehicles: Avoid driving or parking on dry grass. Hot exhaust pipes and mufflers can ignite the grass underneath. Make sure your vehicle is properly maintained to avoid sparking.

Debris Burning: Debris burning is no longer allowed in most parts of California. Follow local regulations for burning debris. Only burn on permitted days, never leave the fire unattended, and follow all safety guidelines.

By following these simple steps, we can all help reduce the risk of wildfires. Together, we can make a difference!

Source: CAL FIRE
CAL FIRE spark