August 12, 2024 – Schools might be starting back after summer break, but the opportunity to learn outdoors is year-round. WildLink is a partnership between the National Park Service and NatureBridge. It aims to expand access and opportunity in our public lands by facilitating wilderness exploration for students from communities with historic and systemic barriers to outdoor access.

Through wilderness expeditions, volunteer stewardship projects, leadership training, family weekends, and career development opportunities, WildLink empowers young people to strengthen themselves and their communities.

WildLink trips provide many students with their first outdoor experiences. For students from New Village Girls Academy, it was their first-time seeing snow. These outdoor experiences foster a sense of belonging and help students understand that public lands are open to everyone. Students from Monache High School were welcomed by Ranger Shelton Johnson, who invited them to see Yosemite as a place where they belonged. During these trips, students engaged in activities such as mycology, geology, biology, and art, demonstrating that learning extends beyond the classroom walls.

If you are a local high school that would like to participate or to read more about these spring trips, you can check out the WildLink website

WildLink is free to students, removing the financial barrier outdoor experiences can have.

Thank you Yosemite Conservancy donors and NatureBridge for your support of this program.

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Source & photos: NPS