High-Country Health Food and Cafe in Mariposa California

'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open.
'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open. "We provide a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. Come in and let us help You Relax"
'Click' Here to Visit Happy Burger Diner in Mariposa... "We have FREE Wi-Fi, we're Eco-Friendly & have the Largest Menu in the Sierra"
'Click' Here to Visit Happy Burger Diner in Mariposa... "We have FREE Wi-Fi, we're Eco-Friendly & have the Largest Menu in the Sierra"
'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California
'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California

January 15, 2025 - The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors is confirming that County Administrative Officer (CAO), Tracie Riggs, has announced her resignation and will take tuolumne county logoleave as outlined in her contract effective immediately. We thank her for her years of service to the county as CAO.

 The Board of Supervisors has identified a path moving forward that prioritizes financial stability and public safety services. The Board will work collaboratively with Department Heads to identify cost reductions, efficiency opportunities, and restructuring to achieve these goals during upcoming meetings on budget and county priorities.

 The Board in the near future will be laying out a process for recruitment of a new CAO. In the meantime, Assistant CAO Roger Root will be assuming the responsibility for administration of county services.

Jaron Brandon, Chair, Board of Supervisors
County of Tuolumne

Source: Tuolumne County