FLT horizontal logoResolution of RespectFLT horizontal logo
Mariposa Lodge, No. 39, I.O.O.F.
Mariposa, California
December 19, 2015

It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, to remove from our midst, our beloved Brother Frank Lee Long Jr., Therefore be it.

Resolved: That in the death of Brother Frank Lee Long Jr., our Order has lost a true and faithful member, the commonwealth, a good citizen, the community, a good friend and neighbor, and his family a loving and devoted husband and father.

Resolved: That in respect to the memory of our deceased Brother, and deep sympathy for his bereaved family, we extend our sincere condolence, and recommend them to the Allwise Providence, by whose power, all sorrows are assuaged.

Resolved: That according to the time honored custom of our Order the Charter be draped in mourning for thirty days.

Resolved: That these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge and a copy be given to the family of the deceased Brother and to the county newspapers for publication. Brother Frank Lee Long Jr. transferred to Mariposa Lodge on April 16, 1955, after being initiated into the order in 1947. He was a 68 year member of the order.

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Dave Appling, Noble Grand

Jim Baker, Chaplain

Tom Phillips, Treasurer

Stan Boyer, Secretary


Obituary: Frank Lee Long, Jr.