Celebrate Art!
Yosemite Foothills Open Studio Tour

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 3rd4th, & 5th, 2014

This years 2014 Sierra Art Trails open studio tour has many talented artists. The Sierra Sun Times will be featuring a sampling of area artists leading up to the show. Check back regularly to see who the next featured artist will be.

Charles R. Rowe
Fiber Artist

Charles-R-Rowe-02732My contemporary country baskets are decorative and functional. Handles and rims of local plant materials are the basis of open forms that yield one-of-a-kind sculptural baskets.

I have been making baskets for 30 years, selling them through our Open Studio events in Santa Cruz, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, and in various craft venues, including the Mariposa County Arts Council Gallery. I also participated and sold at the juried Roy Helms Craft Show in Santa Monica, California.

I enjoy working with natural basketry materials. The rhythmic weaving process and variables in plant materials lead to the creation of unique sculptural forms.

Charles can be reached by email at: 
