H.Res. 774, which has 17 original co-sponsors, proposes to bring to the House floor the Securing America’s Future Act, the DREAM Act, the USA Act, and an immigration bill of Speaker Paul Ryan’s choice. The rule would allow bill sponsors the opportunity to amend language prior to debate and, ultimately, a vote. In this vote series, the bill receiving the highest number of votes exceeding 218 would pass the House under a rule known as “queen-of-the-hill.”
“President Trump set a deadline for Congress to act, and we have failed to put in place a permanent solution for DACA recipients, many of whom are just one court ruling away from being deported from the only country they have ever known,” said Rep. Denham. “We have several viable solutions stuck in committee, unable to advance for debate and amendment. The gridlock simply cannot continue. We are running out of time to deliver on our promise to Dreamers.”
While queen-of-the-hill is rarely invoked, it has been successful as recently as 2015 when multiple budget proposals were considered.
H.Res. 774 would allow the House of Representatives to consider solutions for DACA recipients and Dreamers, border security, and broader immigration issues, which the majority of Americans agree should be addressed.
“While there are certainly differing opinions on how to proceed on these issues, a number of serious proposals have been introduced, and Members of Congress should have the opportunity to debate these proposals,” said Denham.
Source: Congressman Jeff Denham