September 7, 2020 - The U.S. Forest Service reports smoke and air quality outlook for the San Joaquin-Yosemite areas, due to the Creek Fire.
Fire: Most fire activity has been on the SW front of the fire today, and some afternoon pyrocumulus is again producing large scale smoke emissions. NW winds will likely clock around to the NE by tomorrow morning, and will continue to favor fire spread to the south and west, along with continued large-scale smoke production tonight and tomorrow.
Smoke: Today, NW winds have brought some improvement to the NE corner of our forecast areas, but degraded air quality throughout the rest of the forecast area. Tomorrow, air quality NE of the fire should remain moderate/USG, but degrade to unhealthy or worse south and west of the Creek Fire. Other fires to the north may also affect this forecast area.
Notes: Forecasts reflect particulate matter only – not ozone. Poor visibility, potentially less than 1/4 mile, may occur on roads to the south and/or west of the fire and may also hinder aircraft flight operations.
Source: USFS