High-Country Health Food and Cafe in Mariposa California

'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open.
'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open. "We provide a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. Come in and let us help You Relax"
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'Click' Here to Visit Happy Burger Diner in Mariposa... "We have FREE Wi-Fi, we're Eco-Friendly & have the Largest Menu in the Sierra"
'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California
'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California

June 23, 2023 - California Governor's Office of Emergency Services gives the public water safety advise to avoid emergencies this summer.

Don't let a day on the water turn into an emergency! This year, waterways are more dangerous than in the past. Take some simple steps to protect you and your loved ones as you head outdoors.

As a record snowpack continues to melt, local waterways across California are more dangerous than ever. The water is colder, faster and can carry debris that can trap you below the surface. It’s important to stay vigilant when heading outdoors this summer to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Never swim alone. Always bring a friend that can call for help if needed. Keep an eye on small children and pets. Most importantly, always wear a life jacket even when on the shore.

View video here.

Cal OES waterCal OES water rafters
Source: Cal OES