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JCF butterfly
AGENDA of Board of Directors
Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Location:  JCFHD Board Room, 5189 Hospital Road, Mariposa

Wendy Ryder-Priola, RN, BSN, Chair, Rose Fluharty, MScN, Vice Chair/Secretary, 
Nicholas R. Lambert, MBA, MSITM, Treasurer 
Joseph E.C. Rogers, M.D. & Suzette Prue, Directors
Noel Caughman, Legal Counsel, Best Best & Krieger Attorney at Law (Closed Session)

Mission – To excel in the provision of quality health care services

Vision – To be the organization of choice for community health care

Closed Session 1:00 p.m.

Regular Board Meeting 2:00 p.m.

JCF meeting

   1.            Call to order and roll call

   2.            Open Session:  disclosure regarding Closed Session items pursuant to Government Code §54957.7

   3.            CLOSED SESSION

A.    Employee Evaluation:  Board Clerk (Government Code §54957(b)(1))

B.     Conference with Labor Negotiator: Update on Union Negotiations by Julie Adair, Director of Human Resources  (Government Code §54957.6)


Disclosure on reportable action taken during closed session

   5.           2:00 p.m. Call to Order Regular Scheduled Board Meeting

Introduction of guests—guests may voluntarily sign in if they wish to have their name spelled correctly in the minutes of this organization.

   6.            Public Comments

Persons wishing to speak on any subject not on the agenda may do so at this time.  This legislative body cannot act on or discuss an item that is not on the agenda according to Government Code §54954.2(3).  Persons wishing to comment on an agenda item are invited to do so when the Board considers that item and the Chair calls for comments.  Persons will be limited to 3 minutes when addressing the Board. Speaking time may not be granted and/or loaned to another individual for purposes of extending available speaking time unless arrangements have been made in advance for a large group of speakers to have a spokesperson speak on their behalf.  Comments must be kept brief and non-repetitive.  Persons wishing to comment on agenda item are invited to do so when the Board considers that item and the Chair calls for comments.  All questions or comments will be directed to the Board only.  Thank you for your participation.

   7.            Announcements /PRESENTATIONS

A. JCFHDF Black & White Ball, Date is Sat., November 4, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m. Tickets on sale now.

   8.            EDUCATION

A.    Legislative information, Suzette Prue

B.     Brown Act Training, Nick Lambert

   9.            WRITTEN/VERBAL REPORTS 

A.    Audited Financials for 2021/2022, presented by Wes Thew, WIPFLi, LLP

B.     John C Fremont Healthcare District Foundation, June 2023 minutes attached Ex #1

C.     Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Update, Lisa Hoyle, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ, CPPS, Interim Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Nursing OfficerEx #2

 10.            DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM   

A.    Resolution No. 10-23, Seismic Safety Regulations and Standards Ex #3

B.     Resolution No. 11-23, Lolits Esnaola, Honoring her tenure with John C Fremont Healthcare District Ex #4

C.     Upon recommendation from Policies & Procedures and Bylaws committee – the following were recommended to be affirmed and/or adopted, report attached Ex #5

Ø   Affirmation of Acute P&Ps

·         N-MS-501 Blood Collection

·         N-MS-607 Care of Patients Valuables

Ø  Affirmation of COVID Protocols

·         COVID Dist Wide COVID-19 Returning to Work and Testing for Healthcare Personnel and Patients

·         COVID Dist Wide Source Control in the Healthcare Setting

Ø  Affirmation of District Wide Protocols

·         Dist Wide Nursing Reporting of Critical Lab Results

Ø  Affirmation of Emergency Department P&Ps

·         ER 001 Admission of Patients to the Emergency Department

·         ER 007 Elopement Left Without Being Seen

·         ER 008 Patient Leaving Against Medical Advice

·         ER 013 DNR

·         ER 020 Standards of Practice or Care

·         ER 021 Triage

·         ER 023 Assessment of the Trauma Patient

·         ER 024 Age Related Documentation Pediatric

·         ER 038 Patient Presenting with Amputations

·         ER 041 Administration of Blood – please see edits

·         ER 056 Extremity X Ray

·         ER 057 Standard of Care Asthma Patient

·         ER 061 Care of Patient with Stab or Puncture Wounds

·         ER 063 Standard of Care Vaginal Bleeding – please see edits

·         ER 066 Cervical Traction or CSpine Immobilization

·         ER 146 Documentation in the ED Record EMR

·         ER 163 Telephone Triage

Ø  Affirmation of Infection Prevention P&P

·         IP-103 Microbiology Reports

·         IP-104 Infection Risk Assessment

·         IP-106 Infection Prevention Chairperson

·         IP-115 Infection Prevention and Control Organization and Function

·         IP-206 Respiratory Hygiene Cough Etiquette

·         IP-301 Reporting Transmissible Infections to Receiving Facility

·         IP-304 Standard Precautions

·         IP-307 Patient Education

Ø  Affirmation of Imaging P&Ps

·         03-01 MRI Safety General Requirements

·         03-02 MR Safe or MR Conditional Equipment

·         03-03 Contraindications to MRI Scanning

·         03-04 Code Blue in MRI

·         03-05 Fire in or near MRI

·         03-06 Proper Use of Hand Held MRI safe Fire Extinguisher

·         03-07Emergency Medication Box

·         08-01 Ordering Exams

·         08-02 Routine Patient Physical Safety

·         08-03 Provision of Care Treatment and Services Critical Test Results

·         08-04 Scheduling Procedures

·         08-05 patient Refusal of Exam

·         08-06 Provision of Care Treatment and Services Stat Diagnostic Radiological Procedures

·         08-07 Patient Safety

·         08-08 Patient Assessment for Imaging Procedures

Ø  Affirmation of Laboratory P&Ps

·         ABO Grouping

·         Absolute Neutrophil Count

·         Antibody Screen

·         APINH

·         Bacterial Contamination of Platelet Packs

·         BB Alarm Check

·         BB Centrifuge Cleaning

·         BB Computer Downtime

·         Beta-Lactamase Test

·         Bleeding Time

·         Influenza A & B

·         KOH Preparation

·         Lipemic CBC Hemoglobin Correction

·         Loss of Electrical Power

·         M. Cat Butyrate Test

·         Malaria Policy

·         Manual Blood Culture

·         MedTox Drug Screen Controls

·         MedTox Drug Test

Ø  Affirmation of Pharmacy P&Ps

·         4.38 Pharmacy Verification of Orders and Emergency Drug Use List

Ø  Affirmation of Skilled Nursing Facility Manuals

·         SNF-06 Theft and Loss

Ø  Affirmation of Volunteer Protocols

·         1.12 Purpose & Objectives

D.    Review/Approve Amended Bylaws, Nick Lambert

E.     Develop interview process, Nick Lambert

F.      Executive search process, Julie Adair

G.    Appoint/Update Bank account signers, Nick Lambert

H.    Set Special Board Meeting for setting priorities and special planning, Rose Fluharty

I.        Acceptance of the Audited Financials for 2021/2022, as presented by Wes Thew, WIPFLi, LLP

 11.            MINUTES

A.    Approve minutes of the Regular Board meeting of May 24, 2023, report attached Ex #6

B.     Approve minutes of the Finance Board meeting of June 28, 2023, report attached Ex #7

C.     Approve minutes of the Regular Board meeting of July 19, 2023, report attached Ex #8

D.    Acceptance minutes of the Policies & Procedures committee meeting of July 26, 2023, report attached Ex #9

E.     Approve minutes of the Finance Board meeting of July 26, 2023, report attached Ex #10

F.      Approve minutes of the Special Board meeting of July 31, 2023, report attached Ex #11 

G.    Approve minutes of the Special Board meeting of August 10, 2023, report attached Ex  #12


A.    Strategic Planning

B.     2024 Meeting Schedule

C.     Hearing: Quality Management quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Lisa Hoyle, DPN, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ, CPPS, Chief Nursing Officer

D.    Hearing: Compliance quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Colleen Choi, Controller

E.     Hearing: Risk Management quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Lisa Hoyle, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ, CPPS, Chief Nursing Officer & Julie Adair, Director of Human Resources

 13.            NEXT MEETING DATES

A.    Policies & Procedures and Bylaws committee: TBD

B.     Board Education & Development committee: TBD

C.     Finance Board Meeting: August 30, 2023

D.    ACHD Annual Meeting: September 13-15, 2023

E.     Regular Board Meeting: September 20, 2023 

F.      Town Hall Meeting:  September 21, 2023

G.    Finance Board Meeting: September 27, 2023

 14.            ADJOURNMENT

In memory of Rodger Neill and Stanley Hamilton (Both were Hospice care patients).

Regular Board Meetings convene at 2:00 p.m. once each month.  Citizens wishing to schedule matters for Board consideration must contact the Clerk of the board in writing stating the action requested.  Appropriate requests will be scheduled before the Board as time allows.  Deadline for submission of written materials is seven days in advance of meeting.  An original and five copies of all supporting materials must be submitted.

Public Presentations: The law provides the opportunity for the public to be heard on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, before or during the consideration of that item by the Board.  For all items, including items not on the agenda, the public presentation time at the start of each meeting is appropriate.  The Chair may set time limits as appropriate to manage the Agenda.  State law does not allow action to be taken on any item not on the Agenda.

In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, if you require special accommodations to participate in a board meeting, please contact the District at 209-966-3631, x-5106 at least 47 hours prior to the meeting.

This agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code §54954.2).  Persons requesting special accommodations to participate in a District meeting, please contact the Board Clerk at 209-966-3631, x-5106, during regular business hours, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting.

Source: JCF